Beautiful bridal and prom bouquet with carnations, mini roses and peonies.

“Miraculous” bridal bouquet

Regular price $160.00 $0.00

Frilled, feminine, and perfectly elegant, this bridal bouquet is an absolute dream. 


  • White carnations ,blush mini roses, white peonies and assorted greens

Items for choice in this style:
*Extra Large Bouquet (Bridal) - 12” wide
*Large Bouquet (Bridal) - 9" wide
*Medium Bouquet (Bridesmaid) - 7" wide 
*Small Bouquet (Flower girl/Toss) - 5.5" wide
*Wrist Corsage 
*Hair Comb
*Flower Crown
*Cake Topper
*Flower Girl Basket

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